Monday, October 21, 2013

Route 5

10/21/13 01:33

Entering Route 5 a Lucario runs up to me. Turns out he belonged to a Gym Leader named Korrina and she was training her Lucarios when It sensed my aura and came to see me, since he liked my aura. 

I decide to search for some Pokemon to help complete the Pokedex like Prof. Sycamore asked of us.  While traveling on Route 5 I found a Gulpin, 5 of them attacked me at one was intense.

After catching one of the Gulpins my Torchic evolved in Combusken. Wow that was amazing to see.

Then I Pancham attached me. It was smirking the entire time it battled with Nagase. I caught the Pancham and Nagase started to evolve to.  Nagase became Frogadier.

I ran back into Tierno and Trevor.  Tierno challenged me to battle.  He only had one Pokemon though, and it was a Corphish.  I sent out Bruteroot who growled happily and ran out to get ready.  Bruteroot moves amazingly quick.  Using his vines he knocked out Corphish in no time flat.  After winning Trevor gave me some honey.  Honey attracts hordes of Pokemon, that is good to know.  While getting the honey Bruteroot surprised us all by evolving into an Ivysaur.

I continue moving forward and looking for new Pokemon when I'm attacked by a horde of Scraggy.  and Kamo, came out of her Pokeball to face them all by herself.  Seriously Kamo is so strong and forceful.  I almost wasn't able to capture one of the Scraggy because of how much she wanted to fight them all.  Kamo is starting to scare me, as she even attacked me as I threw my Great Ball at the Scraggy.

 Seeing this a Rising Star, named Hiroshi, laughed at me and challenged me to a battle, Kuurth didn't like the boy laughing at me and took on his Kadrabra all by himself.  Kuurth was rewarded with Evolving into a Quilladin.

With a few more battles and random encounters I finally made it to Camphrier Town.  I'm gonna take a rest in the PokeCenter.

Current Party:
  1. Kamo Lv. 16
  2. Shock Lv. 16
  3. Nagase Lv. 17
  4. Bruteroot Lv. 17
  5. Kuurth Lv. 17
  6. Combusken Lv. 19

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