Monday, October 28, 2013

Vines and Leaves

10/28/13 01:27 P.M.

Route 12 had a ranch of Skiddo, the Baa de Mer Ranch.

I make my way to a pier and Serena calls me.  She is challenging me to a battle in front of the next gym.  I cannot wait.

At a Monorail station leading from the pier to the next city, Professor Sycamore and Diantha were there waiting for me.  He congratulates me on learning the Mega Evolution, and Diantha asked that we have a battle next time we meet each other.  I get on the Monorail I get to Coumarine City.

Bruteroot started my fight against Serena.  His Mega Stone activated during the battle and he became a Mega Venasaur.  Bruteroot had to trouble winning the battle, much to Serena's disappointment. 

I make my way into the Gym and it is GIGANTIC.  After climbing lots of ropes and jumping over crevices.  I make my way to the Gym Leader, Ramos. 

It was a tough battle with Shock jumping around and electrocuting anything in the way.  After a long, and shocking battle Shock and I pulled through and won the Plant Badge.

Current Party:
  1. Shock Lv. 34
  2. Ptera Lv. 34
  3. Nagase Lv. 35
  4. Kuurth Lv. 35
  5. Bruteroot Lv. 35
  6. Blaziken Lv. 36

Sunday, October 27, 2013


10/27/13 09:51 P.M.

I make my way back to the Tower of mastery.  There I run into the Guru ho says the successor, Korrina, is waiting for me at the top of the tower.  I make my way up to the top and talk to Korrina and she gives me my very own Mega Ring.

After I got the ring from Korrina her Lucario ran over to me.  It seemed like he wanted to battle with me against her, and so I accepted him.  So we battle just Lucario vs Lucario.  My Lucario reacted to the Mega Stone right away and started to change.  It became a Mega Lucario.

The battle was over quick once the Mega evolutions happened.  The two Mega Lucarios ran at each other with a single punch.  The last Lucario standing was mine. It was amazing, and I wonder what other Pokemon can Mega Evolve.

I left the tower and started for Route 12. On Route 12 I was attacked by an Exeggcute and Ptera went to face them.  He too reacted to a Mega Stone and Mega Evolved.

Current Party
  1. Nagase Lv. 32
  2. Ptera Lv. 32
  3. Shock Lv. 33
  4. Bruteroot Lv. 33
  5. Kuurth Lv. 33
  6. Blaziken Lv. 36


10/27/1311:32 A.M.

In side the gym a Rollerskating challenged me to a battle.  Bruteroot battled her and evolved into a Venasaur during the battle.  Bruteroot is so amazing.

I finally make my way to Korrina and face her again, this time for a badge and the chance to battle the mega evolution successor.

Shock took care of most of the battle, but during the fight with her Hawlucha Combusken decided to battle, and he evolved into a Blaziken.

Thanks to Blaziken I won the Rumble Badge.

Korrina said to go back to Mastery Tower and asks that I battle her again but not as a Gym Battle, but as two Trainers who can use Mega Evolution.

Current Party
  1. Ptera Lv. 31
  2. Nagase Lv. 32
  3. Shock Lv. 33
  4. Bruteroot Lv. 33
  5. Kuurth Lv. 33
  6. Blaziken Lv. 36

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Mega Evolution Guru

10/24/13 09:04 P.M.

While on Route 11 Professor Sycamore asks me to visit the Mega Evolution Guru in Shalour City. To get there first I had to make it through Reflection Cave. In Reflection Cave, Tierno stopped me for a quick talk about the Pokemon in the cave. In the Cave I captured a Mime Jr.

Once outside the Reflection Cave I make it to Shalour City, where I am supposed to meet this Mega Evolution Guru.

In Shalour City Tierno and Trevor catch up with me again.  They to were looking for the Mega Evolution Guru.  Trevor says he heard the Guru is supposed to be in the Tower of Mastery.  Tierno also gave me a mysterious stone, it is very intriguing.   We make out way to the Tower of Mastery where I meet the Guru and Korrina.  and lastly met up with Serena and Shauna.  The Guru tells us about the Mega Stones and Mega Evolutions and offers a Mega Ring to only one of us.  Both Serena and I want it so we battle for it. 

The battle was tough, but I won.  After I wont the Guru said I should challenge Korrina at her Gym, and if I beat her there I get to face the Guru's successor for a chance to win the Mega Ring.  This seems like it will be a long run for this item that allows mega Evolution, But I want to do it.

Current Party:
  1. Nagase Lv. 30
  2. Ptera Lv. 30
  3. Bruteroot Lv. 31
  4. Shock Lv. 31
  5. Kuurth Lv. 32
  6. Combusken Lv. 34

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


10/23/13 06:04 P.M.

On Route 10 I run into a wild Eevee frolicking in the flowers.  She runs up to me and happily plays with me, finding one of my Pokeballs and catching herself.

Another member of Team Flare stopped me on my way on Route 10.  He says he remembers me from the Glittering Cave.  He discusses what all these odd standing stones are. saying they have to do with a legend about 3000 years ago.  Then challenges me to a battle for revenge. 

Shock easily knocks out his Pokemon and the grunt.  And continue making my way to Geosenge Town. There were lots of Team Flare Grunts here to, I really wonder what they are doing.  The Grunt said they are going to use the stones and a treasure to make everyone on Team Flare happy. 

As I was leaving the city, Lucario and Korrina run into me again.  Lucario challanged me to a battle.  It was a tough battle but Shock and Kuurth did an amazing job at battling the Lucarios.  Well its now Off to Route 11.

Curent Party:
  1. Ptera Lv. 25
  2. Nagase Lv. 26
  3. Bruteroot Lv. 26
  4. Shock Lv. 26
  5. Kuurth Lv. 27
  6. Combusken Lv. 28

Beaches and Bikes

10/23/13 04:58 P.M.

I chose the Sail Fossil and the scientist said he could revive it back at the lab.  I get back to the lab and he revives the Sail Fossil into Amaura. He then also said that the Old Amber I found also has a Pokemon inside he could revive, so I handed it over.  He came back with an Aerodactyle, I named Ptera.  Another scientist gave me a Mega Stone called Aerodactalite.

From the Lab I visit an aquarium and head down to Route 8.  On Route 8 a person gives me a dowsing machine and says it will help me find hidden objects. I'm going to have to try it out.  I make it to Cyllage City.  There is a bicycle shop and I go to check it out, when I walk in I find out I'm the 10,001st customer, so I was allowed to take a quiz for a chance to win a free bike.  I WON!

I run into the Gym Leader,  Grant.  

At first this Gym battle was tough, him having both an Aurorus and a Tyrantrum.  Shock did her best to fight them, and knocked out Aurorus by chance when a spark hit the fire alarm sprinkler and pouring water on all of us.  However it was Combusken that took out Tyrantrum




After my victory Grant gave me a Cliff badge. It is very shiny and rocky looking. 

Current Party:
  1.  Petra Lv. 22
  2. Kuurth Lv. 23
  3. Shock Lv. 23
  4. Nagase Lv. 24
  5. Bruteroot Lv.24
  6. Combusken Lv. 24

Monday, October 21, 2013

Caves and Ridges

I make my way through Connecting Cave And onto Route 8. I carefully walk along the Route until I reach Ambrette Town.  Serena catches back up to me and suggest we go to the Fossil Lab since they might have some information on Mega Evolution.

We go to the lab and speak with the scientists.  They send us to speak to the scientist in Glittering Cave.  I get there and it turns out I have to ride a Rhyhorn to get to the caves.  This is great it reminds me of being at home with my mom and riding on her Rhyhorn.

 I ride the Rhyhorn all the way to the entrance of the caves.  In the cave I captured a few Pokemon including, Cubone, Kangaskhan, Solrock, Dwebble, Onix,and a Woobat.  I also found some old looking amber stuff.  wonder if the scientist could tell me more about it.

We were ambushed by these Team Flare guys.  Not sure what they are about but they tried to stop us from finding the scientist.  Serena and I teamed up when they tried to forcefully stop us from going farther. Once we beat them we found the scientist who offered us each a Fossil. A choice between a Jaw Fossil or a Sail Fossil, which should I get.

Poll :
Which Fossil should I choose?
  1. Jaw
  2. Sail
Current Party:
  1. Kamo Lv. 19
  2. Bruteroot Lv.21
  3. Kuurth Lv.20
  4. Shock Lv. 19
  5. Nagase Lv. 20
  6. Combusken Lv. 21


10/21/13 05:38 P.M.

While walking in the grass I am attacked by a horde of Gulpin and one of them is a strange Blue color.  It was so cool to see I just had to catch her.

I then find a Berry field and the caretaker asked me to help take care of the field an allows me to plant my own berries.  I plat a few Oran and Pecha berries then move on.  Trevor and Tierno run up to me and show me a Pokemon Day Care Center.  I left my blue Gulpin, Bluey in the Day Care my male Gulpin to be raised and have fun.

Outside the Day Care I found another Fairy Type Pokemon known as a Spritzee.

While talking to Trevor I was attacked by a horde of Hoppip.

Trevor, Tierno and I ran into Serena and she challenged us all to a Pokemon battle.  Serena and I partnered up against Trevor and Tierno.  I must say Serena is tougher than I thought.  It will be hard to beat her if we ever battle against each other, I'm deffinitly going to have to train harder.

Current Party:
  1. Kamo Lv. 19
  2. Bruteroot Lv. 19
  3. Kuurth Lv. 19
  4. Shock Lv. 19
  5. Nagase Lv. 20
  6. Combusken Lv. 21

The Prince and The Piper

10/21/13 04:11 P.M.

I visit Shabboneau Castle and run into Shauna asking about Mega Stones.  They don't seem to know anything, but then there was some kind of trouble on Route 7 and the person we were talking to runs off.  I followed him to see if there was anything I can do to help him out.  When I get there a giant sleeping Pokemon was in the way.  They say they need something called a Pokeflute but that someone else has it.  They say that a Pokeflute is the only thing that can wake up a Snorlax, and that it is at Parfum Palace. Shauna and I say that we will go to Parfum Palace and ask to borrow the Pokeflute, as well as hope to find something else out about MegaEvolution and the Mega Stones. 

On the way Kamo breaks out of her Pokeball again and bomb-rushes a trainer who was playing with her Pikachu.  Kamo surprises the Pikachu and knocks it out with a Bite.  Kamo is really getting out of hand.

Shauna and I reach Parfum Palace and the butler outside the gates says it will cost us 1000 per person to gain entrance. Shocks both of us that they would charge to enter the area, and even more surprising it costs so much.  We pay our fee and enter the palace.  Inside the owner of the palace is running around in a panic because his Furfrou has disappeared, so Shauna and I decide to try and help find the poor man's Pokemon. 

This Palace is so Huge and I make my way into the courtyard that has four mazes.  We find the Furfrou in one of the mazes and return it to the owner of the palace.  He asks us to meet up at the balcony for a fireworks display.  Shauna and I make our way to the balcony and watch the fireworks. We then ask the owner to borrow the Pokeflute and he allows it but tells us to return what we borrow. 

We head back to route 7 with the Pokeflute to wake up the Snorlax.  We hand the Pokeflute over to the original owner  and he wakes up the Snorlax, and it attacks me. 

After catching the giant Pokemon the owner of Parfum Palace shows up.  He says that the way the Pokeflute was just so beautiful and wishes to give the Pokeflute back to its original owner. 

Current Party:
  1. Kamo Lv. 17
  2. Shock Lv. 17
  3. Nagase Lv. 18
  4. Bruteroot Lv. 18
  5. Kuurth Lv. 18
  6. Combusken Lv. 20

Route 5

10/21/13 01:33

Entering Route 5 a Lucario runs up to me. Turns out he belonged to a Gym Leader named Korrina and she was training her Lucarios when It sensed my aura and came to see me, since he liked my aura. 

I decide to search for some Pokemon to help complete the Pokedex like Prof. Sycamore asked of us.  While traveling on Route 5 I found a Gulpin, 5 of them attacked me at one was intense.

After catching one of the Gulpins my Torchic evolved in Combusken. Wow that was amazing to see.

Then I Pancham attached me. It was smirking the entire time it battled with Nagase. I caught the Pancham and Nagase started to evolve to.  Nagase became Frogadier.

I ran back into Tierno and Trevor.  Tierno challenged me to battle.  He only had one Pokemon though, and it was a Corphish.  I sent out Bruteroot who growled happily and ran out to get ready.  Bruteroot moves amazingly quick.  Using his vines he knocked out Corphish in no time flat.  After winning Trevor gave me some honey.  Honey attracts hordes of Pokemon, that is good to know.  While getting the honey Bruteroot surprised us all by evolving into an Ivysaur.

I continue moving forward and looking for new Pokemon when I'm attacked by a horde of Scraggy.  and Kamo, came out of her Pokeball to face them all by herself.  Seriously Kamo is so strong and forceful.  I almost wasn't able to capture one of the Scraggy because of how much she wanted to fight them all.  Kamo is starting to scare me, as she even attacked me as I threw my Great Ball at the Scraggy.

 Seeing this a Rising Star, named Hiroshi, laughed at me and challenged me to a battle, Kuurth didn't like the boy laughing at me and took on his Kadrabra all by himself.  Kuurth was rewarded with Evolving into a Quilladin.

With a few more battles and random encounters I finally made it to Camphrier Town.  I'm gonna take a rest in the PokeCenter.

Current Party:
  1. Kamo Lv. 16
  2. Shock Lv. 16
  3. Nagase Lv. 17
  4. Bruteroot Lv. 17
  5. Kuurth Lv. 17
  6. Combusken Lv. 19

Sunday, October 20, 2013


10/20/13 9:14 P.M.

I choose Bulbasaur and welcome him to my team happily. He lets out a happy growl as I give him the nickname Brutroot, and officially give my Chespin his nickname of Kuurth.

Professor Sycamore gave me an item called a Venasaurite, something he called a Mega Stone.  I wonder what it does, looks like I have a lot of research to do while on my journey.  As I leave the lab I meet a man named Lysandre, the creator of the Holo-Caster. He wishes me luck on my journey before he leaves. Wow is that man impressive.  He was kind of intimidating.

Serena asked to meet me at Cafe Soleil, then ran off. I went to go meet her.  When I showed up we ran into Lysandre again and he was talking to DIANTHA! That is right the Diantha, the famous movie star who is also a Pokemon trainer. She is so cool.

Anyway Serena wanted to ask me to compete with her, to see who will become stronger. She said she thinks it would be fun, and I could never turn down a challenge. So let the competition begin.  With Shock on my head I head off towards Route 5 to continue on my journey.

Current Party:
  1. Kuurth Lv. 9
  2. Bruteroot Lv. 10
  3. Kamo Lv. 13
  4. Shock Lv. 13
  5. Nagase Lv. 14
  6. Torchic Lv. 15

Enter The Juggernaut

10/20/13 12:19 P.M.

With Shock taking a nap on my head I make my way to Route 4.  Here I run into a Wild Skitty that Nagase battles and I am able to catch, naming him WilyKat. 

I also run into these weird looking pixie Pokemon that my Pokedex tells me are fairy types.  I've already caught two, one holding a yellow flower and one holding a red flower.

I continue on my way till I meet two students, named Sina and Dexio, they say they are disciples of the mysterious Professor Sycamore and wish for me to meet him, They also tell me more about this Fairy type that my Flabebes are and so is Shock.  They lead me into Lumiose City. 

Once in Lumiose City Sina leads me to Professor Sycamore's lab and I head up to the third floor.  He greets me at the elevator and calls me into his office, as we talk, Shauna and Serena.  It is then that Professor Sycamore challenges me to a battle, and I accept. but just as the battle starts, and Sycamore sends out a Bulbasaur, my mysterious egg starts to hatch.  Out comes a Chespin that sees the Bulbasaur and rushes at it using tackle. 

Kamo, who I had released for the battle, get annoyed by the newly hatched Chespin knocks him out of the way and starts battling the Bulbasaur herself.  Shock wakes up in all the noise, as I'm pulling Chespin away and Kamo wins her battle, and Sycamore sends out his Squirtle.  Boy would I love one of those.  Shock tired and mad at being awoken jumps off my head and in between Kamo and the Squirtle, shocking them both and causing them to faint.  Sycamore laughs the sight of Shock, being so tough and he sends out his last Pokemon, a Charmander.  Shock continues her fight with Charmander and after a good shock from on the Charmander's tail, Charmander faints.  Sycamore seems pleased with the battle and even offers me one of the three Pokemon he battled with.  I wonder which I should choose.

Which Pokemon should I choose?
  1. Bulbasaur
  2. Squirtle
  3. Charmander