Monday, November 11, 2013

On The Road Again

11/11/13 03:51 P.M.

We land in Anistar City and I head strait for Route 18.  I get a message from Professor Sycamore asking to meet me in Couriway Town, so off I go to find the next town.  Here there were lots of Durants running around.  Turns out they were running away from a Heatmor.  I ran up to the Heatmor and challenged it with Shock.  Weakened it enough to to be able to capture it.

I make my way into the Terminus Cave and look around.  I get stopped by a Ace Trainer who tells me that only Pokemon League Champions can go any further.  I wonder what is inside, as I left the cave.  I find my way to Couriway Town and find Professor Sycamore.  He challenges me to a battle. He starts with a Venusaur and I start with Blaziken. It was an easy win.  He then sent out a Blastoise and I sent out Bruteroot, another easy win for me.  Professor Sycamore really is not that great of a battler.  He sends his last Pokemon, Charizard, and I sent out Nagase.  After defeating Professor Sycamores Pokemon he congratulations me and thanks me for helping stop Team Flare.  I proceed down to Route 19 where I am stopped by Shauna who asks me for a battle and I agree.  Her Delphox against Nagase.  It was similar to our first battle ever and very fun.

Behind her Tierno and Trevor came running up to us Tierno also asking for a battle.  His Crawdaunt versus Shock.  It was an amazing battle that looked like a dance.  After I beat Tierno, Trevor came up asking to challenge me as well, but not with the Pokedex but in a battle.  His Florges versus Kuurth.  It was another amazing battle that I was lucky to win.  After the battle I headed back to Couriway Town to heal my Pokemon at the Pokecenter.

Current Party:
  1. Nagase Lv. 59
  2. Shock Lv. 59
  3. Bruteroot Lv. 59
  4. Kuurth Lv. 59
  5. Vedrfolnir Lv. 59
  6. Blaziken Lv. 62

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