Sunday, November 3, 2013


11/03/13 11:10 A.M.

I make my way towards Lumiose City and I see an extremely tall man....dare I say even gigantic. It looked like he was looking for something.  before I could ask if he needed help he walked off and disappeared. 

Shauna caught up to me in Lumiose City and asked if I wanted to go with her to see them light up Prism Tower.  So the two of us head off towards Prism Tower.  It was an amazing sight.  Turns out the tower is also a Pokemon Gym, I could not wait to battle the leader so I rushed in.  I made my way to the top of the tower answering questions about Pokemon.  I finally got to the top to battle Clemont.

Shock had Lots of fun soaking up electricity from Clemonts Electric Pokemon.  Kuurth shielded Shock from a tackle and finished the rest of the battle against Heliolisk.

Kuurth's Armor sure comes in handy with these battles.  But thanks to Shock and Kuurth we won the Voltage Badge.

After the battle, Professor Sycamore sent me a message requesting I meet him at Lysandre Cafe.  So I headed off that way.

 Current Party:
  1. Ptera Lv. 36
  2. Kuurth Lv. 36
  3. Nagase Lv. 37
  4. Shock Lv. 37
  5. Bruteroot Lv. 37
  6. Blaziken Lv. 37

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