Wednesday, October 23, 2013


10/23/13 06:04 P.M.

On Route 10 I run into a wild Eevee frolicking in the flowers.  She runs up to me and happily plays with me, finding one of my Pokeballs and catching herself.

Another member of Team Flare stopped me on my way on Route 10.  He says he remembers me from the Glittering Cave.  He discusses what all these odd standing stones are. saying they have to do with a legend about 3000 years ago.  Then challenges me to a battle for revenge. 

Shock easily knocks out his Pokemon and the grunt.  And continue making my way to Geosenge Town. There were lots of Team Flare Grunts here to, I really wonder what they are doing.  The Grunt said they are going to use the stones and a treasure to make everyone on Team Flare happy. 

As I was leaving the city, Lucario and Korrina run into me again.  Lucario challanged me to a battle.  It was a tough battle but Shock and Kuurth did an amazing job at battling the Lucarios.  Well its now Off to Route 11.

Curent Party:
  1. Ptera Lv. 25
  2. Nagase Lv. 26
  3. Bruteroot Lv. 26
  4. Shock Lv. 26
  5. Kuurth Lv. 27
  6. Combusken Lv. 28

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