Monday, October 21, 2013

The Prince and The Piper

10/21/13 04:11 P.M.

I visit Shabboneau Castle and run into Shauna asking about Mega Stones.  They don't seem to know anything, but then there was some kind of trouble on Route 7 and the person we were talking to runs off.  I followed him to see if there was anything I can do to help him out.  When I get there a giant sleeping Pokemon was in the way.  They say they need something called a Pokeflute but that someone else has it.  They say that a Pokeflute is the only thing that can wake up a Snorlax, and that it is at Parfum Palace. Shauna and I say that we will go to Parfum Palace and ask to borrow the Pokeflute, as well as hope to find something else out about MegaEvolution and the Mega Stones. 

On the way Kamo breaks out of her Pokeball again and bomb-rushes a trainer who was playing with her Pikachu.  Kamo surprises the Pikachu and knocks it out with a Bite.  Kamo is really getting out of hand.

Shauna and I reach Parfum Palace and the butler outside the gates says it will cost us 1000 per person to gain entrance. Shocks both of us that they would charge to enter the area, and even more surprising it costs so much.  We pay our fee and enter the palace.  Inside the owner of the palace is running around in a panic because his Furfrou has disappeared, so Shauna and I decide to try and help find the poor man's Pokemon. 

This Palace is so Huge and I make my way into the courtyard that has four mazes.  We find the Furfrou in one of the mazes and return it to the owner of the palace.  He asks us to meet up at the balcony for a fireworks display.  Shauna and I make our way to the balcony and watch the fireworks. We then ask the owner to borrow the Pokeflute and he allows it but tells us to return what we borrow. 

We head back to route 7 with the Pokeflute to wake up the Snorlax.  We hand the Pokeflute over to the original owner  and he wakes up the Snorlax, and it attacks me. 

After catching the giant Pokemon the owner of Parfum Palace shows up.  He says that the way the Pokeflute was just so beautiful and wishes to give the Pokeflute back to its original owner. 

Current Party:
  1. Kamo Lv. 17
  2. Shock Lv. 17
  3. Nagase Lv. 18
  4. Bruteroot Lv. 18
  5. Kuurth Lv. 18
  6. Combusken Lv. 20

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