Sunday, November 10, 2013

Flare and Flowers

11/10/13 06:22 P.M.

Ptera flies me to Lumiose City and I head straight for Lysandre Cafe, inside a waiter and waitress were there.  Turns out they were members of Team Flare as well and after defeating them find out the password to a secret door and the location.  I open the door behind a book case and enter Lysandre Labs.  

Inside Lysandre is waiting for me, he tells me I will have to face the grunts and scientists till I find the elevator key.  I travel around the Lab First scientist I meet is Aliana.  Shock defeats her Druddigon but she didn't have the elevator key, so I continued on.

I meet Celosia and Bryony in the same area they both attack me with a Drapion and a Bisharp.  Bruteroot handles both of them after Mega evolving.

Neither of them had the Elevator key.  I continue to make my way around the lab looking for the elevator key.   I find Mable and her Weavile.  I battle her with Kuurth.  Kuurth just rampaged across the Weavile body slaming it around till it fainted.

Mable had the Elevator key, now I can go find where Lysandre went and try and stop him.  I get in the elevator and it takes me down a floor, on this level is Lysandre and the extremely tall man I saw before.  The tall man tells me the story of the war that happened 3,000 years ago.  How a man had to let his Pokemon battle in the war and the poor creature died.  The man stricken with grief created a machine to try and bring his Pokemon friend back to life....and it worked.  He had brought back his Pokemon but afraid that a war like this would happen again he decided to turn his machine into an ultimate weapon activating it and destroying many people and Pokemon in the process.  The Pokemon friend having seen the destruction and knowing that its life came at the cost of so many others left the man.  The man devastated again buried the machine and searched the world over for his friend. 

When he finished the Story Lysander told me that the tall man's name is AZ, the same name of the king 3,000 years ago that disappeared.  Could these two be somehow related or even possibly the same person?  He asked me to get the key back and to stop the machine, before the world is destroyed again as it was 3,000 years ago.  Lysandre leaves asking me to meet him in his office.

I get back on the elevator and go down another level.  In Lysandre's office him and another scientist are talking.  Lysandre says that as I am the chosen one it should be up to me if the machine is activated or not, and that if I am able to defeat Xerosic I'll be able to make that choice.  Then Lysandre left again.

I turn to Xerosic and challenge him.  He sent out Malamar and I sent out Nagase.

The battle was long and hard and I think we may have destroyed a few computers in the process but Nagase eventually won.  Xerosic told me I had to choose between a blue button and a red button.  One button will activate the ultimate weapon and the other button will cancel the activation.  I flip a coin and choose the blue button.  Xerosic started laughing and said I chose right, but that he does not care what Lysandre says he will activate the ultimate weapon anyway.  He activates it and the weapon appears from underneath Geosenge Town.  It looks like a giant crystal flower.  I race out of the lab and use Ptera to fly to Geosenge Town.  I need to find a way to stop this weapon.

Current Party:
  1. Nagase Lv. 55
  2. Shock Lv. 55
  3.  Bruteroot Lv. 55
  4. Ptera Lv. 55
  5. Kuurth Lv. 55
  6. Blaziken Lv. 58

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