Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Legend

11/10/13 09:38 P.M.

Ptera lands me in Geosenge Town and the place is a mess.  Team Flare has guards blocking off Route 10 but I am able to find their hidden base, Serena finally catches up to me and suggests we take on Team Flare together.  We run inside and are stopped by Lysandre who challenges me to a battle.  His Pyroar and Gyrados Against Nagase and Shock. 

It was a quick battle and Lysandre didn't stand a chance against my partners teamwork.  Serena and I ran down into the lab to free the legendary Pokemon that is being used to power the weapon.  As we are battling our way down Shauna appears asking us to let her help, we agree and continue on our way.  We get to the door leading into the area they are holding the cocoon, but the door was locked.  Shauna came up and had a device that was able to unlock the door, she said she had won it from Clemont.  The three of us walked in side and were greeted by six admins.  Shauna screamed how she hates to be chased then ran out of the room, an admin chasing after here, Serena went to go help her causing a few more Admins to chase her to.  Leaving me with the rest, Shock jumped out of my hat and shocked them before they could even get a Pokemon out.  That is when Serena and Shauna came back in the room, having lost the other admins, and the cocoon starting to move and crack open.  Out of the cocoon came Yvetal and it attacked me.

Shock and I were trying our best to battle the legendary Pokemon, and that is when I remembered that the president of the Pokeball company gave me a Master Ball and said it could catch any Pokemon.  I decided to throw the master Ball at Yvetal and it worked! I captured the legendary Yvetal!  I decided to nickname it Vedrfolnir and added it to my party in place of Ptera. 

Lysandre showed up with a Mega Stone and mega Ring of his own and challenged me to another battle for the control of Vedrfolnir.  He sent out his Gyrados and I sent out Vedrfolnir.  His Gyrados Mega Evolved and I was a little worried at first,  But Vedrfolnir knew how to handle Lysandre and his Mega Gyarados.

With my newest victory, Lysandre decided that he was going to use the weapon with all the energy it already had, even if it wasn't completely charged.  Hearing this Serena, Shauna and I ran out of the hideout, making it out safely just in time, as the weapon exploded destroying it and the hideout.  Tierno, Trevor, and the two Masked Heroes showed up saying they had rescued the Pokemon on Route 10 the Team Flare was using as well.  With all of this taken care of, everyone decided to head back to Anistar City and continue on our adventures and working on our dreams.  As they left AZ walked up to me and thanked me for helping stop Lysandre and telling me about the King and his friend Pokemon, and how they are made to wonder the planet forever in search for each other, before he walked off again.

Well that was an extreme adventure, but I still have another badge to get and the Pokemon League to challange so back to Anistar City I go as well, with my newest friend Vedrfolir flying the way.

Current party:
  1. Vedrfolnir Lv. 50
  2. Shock Lv. 57
  3. Bruteroot Lv. 57
  4. Kuurth Lv. 57
  5. Nagase Lv. 58
  6. Blaziken Lv. 61

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