Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Champion

11/20/13 03:02 P.M.

I walk through the light to an Elevator that leads to an even brighter room with a woman standing inside.  Could it be?  I never thought she would be the champion.  Its the Movie Star Diantha, she is the champion and has been waiting for me to meet her here since we first met in Lumiose City.  She welcomes me and warns me that we would be having a full six on six Pokemon Battle. 

I start out with Shock and her First Pokemon is Hawlucha.

Hawlucha jumped into the air as if ready to Body slam my little Shock, but she sent a Thunder right through the poor Pokemon, who had no  ground to protect it and hit the floor knocked out after one hit.  Then she sent out a Tyrantrum I called back Shock and sent out Kuurth.

Kuurth using his armor like a shield and his Arms like a Hammer ran right through the rampaging Tyrantrum. With a fe hits to it's jaw and then a gut shot Tyrantrum was knocked out before it could get past Kuurth's armor.  Dianth frustrated sent out her Aurorus to which I allowed Kuurth to stay out to fight this prehistoric Pokemon as well.

Aurorus set up a Reflecting wall as Kuurth charged at it with more punches from his Hammer Arms.  One Punch shattered the wall created by Aurorus and another punch knocked Aurorus out cold.  I couldn't believe my luck so far and that is when Diantha sent out a Goodra and I called Kuurth back and sent out Nagase.

Goodra sent a Focused Blast at Nagase that he tried to dodge but was hit hard, but in retaliation Nagase started a Blizzard in the room, freezing the Goodra quite a bit before it could hit Nagase again and knock him out.  Shock, shivering from the blizzard ran into the snow and Played Rough with the Goodra, hitting it right in the gut with a a bounce, causing the Freezing Goodra to double over as Shock jumped on its head and knocked the Goodra out.  Four Down and 2 to go with only one of my Pokemon out, Every thing is looking Demy.  Diantha laughed and sent out her Gourgeist and I let loose Blaziken to handle the little ghost Pokemon.

Blaziken Mega Evolved upon entering the battle field, covering itself with fire and Blitzing at the Gourgeist without my order to do so, wanting to end the battle quickly.  And he sure did just that, with a laugh I called Blaziken back as Diantha sent out her last Pokemon, a Gardevoir and I sent out Vedrfolnir.

Her Gardevoir Mega Evolved upon entering the battlefield as well and my Vedrfolnir, seeing this disappeared  into the Phantoms.

This Confused the Mega Gardevior long enough for Vedrfolnir o come out from the shadows with full force and strike from behind.  A little Sneaky but I approved as Gardevoir lost it's mega form and fell forward knocked out. 

Diantha congratulated me and said that this battle had really touched her heart.  She mostly seemed speechless that I had one.  She lead me back to the Elevator which rose even higher to a room full of pictures of trainers and Pokemon.  Diantha explained that this was the Grand Chamber and it was where the Champions were registered as such and that they were going to take my picture for the League since I am now the Champion.  I let my Party out of their Pokeballs so they each can get their own picture done as well as a group shot of all seven of us together. 

I returned to Lumiose City a few days later to a Party for Shaune, Serena, Trevor, Tierno, and myself as Heroes and of course the new Champion.  I even thought I got a glimpse of Az, then he got closer and challenged me to a battle saying he wish to know what a trainer was.  I accepted and he sent out a Torkoal.

Shock wanted to Battle, but I couldn't allow her to, knowing that Nagase was the better choice. So Nagase battle the Torkoal by creating a wave of water and surfing his body into the Torkoal knocking it out.  Az then sent out a Golurk and I responded with leaving Nagase out.

Nagase easily shot a Cannon of water at the Ghost type and knocked back towards a wall and knocking his Golurk out as well. Az grunted in approval and sent out a Sigilyph.  Shock tired of the Sidelines jumped into the battle and giving into her I called back Nagase. 

Shock ran circles around the Sigilyph and introduced it to its Thunder knocking it out.  Az smiled at me and I smiled back.  As we talked a Pokemon came out of the sky towards Az.  It was a Floette, the one he has been looking for for 3,000 years.  He fell to his knees crying happily to be reunited with his lost Pokemon, who has been waiting for him to become the man he once was before.  I must say, what an amazing adventure it has been, but I cannot wait to get home to see my mom and get some well deserved sleep in my own bed again.

Blogger Note:
Thank you all for reading my X and Y adventures and joining in the fun of choosing parts of the adventure for me.  I am thinking of doing more Blogs of different Pokemon Games, so if you liked this please let me know and I'll keep everyone updated on what I do.

Thank you all again for the fun ride.

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