Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Road to Victory

11/13/13 04:05 P.M.

I enter Victory Road by going through the badge check point on Route 22.  Victory Road started out as a giant cave, with many Ace Trainers and Veteran Trainers inside.  The battles were hard but a great warm up for each of my Pokemon.  As I exited the Cave I found some old ruins.  Here Serena caught up to me and challenged me to another battle to test if I'm truly ready for a battle against the Elite.  Once again it is her Chesnaught against Shock.  Shock played very rough, and climbed under Chesnaught's armor delivering the final Thunder.  She congratulates me on the win and tells me how we are very much alike and how that is what makes our battles so much fun for her, and that she wishes me luck on defeating the Pokemon League and becoming Champion before she leave for more training.

I enter a second cave on Victory Road and face a few more Veteran Trainers before exiting the cave and seeing the giant building that is The Pokémon League.  Inside this giant building are the mysterious Elite Four and the Current Champion.  I shall put all of my trust in my Pokemon and battle as hard as we can to become the new champions of Kalos!

Current Party:
  1. Kuurth Lv. 67
  2. Vedrfolnir Lv. 67
  3. Nagase Lv. 68
  4. Shock Lv. 68
  5. Bruteroot Lv. 68
  6. Blaziken Lv. 68
Blog Question:
Which member of the Elite Four should I face first?
  1.  Malva
  2. Siebold
  3. Wikstrom
  4. Drasna

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