Sunday, November 10, 2013


11/10/13 02:55 P.M.

I head into Anistar City and meet up with Sina.  She tells me that someone here knows the legend of Yveltal and that I should seek him out.  She then gave me 10 repeat balls and left to meet back up with Professor Sycamore.  So off I go to find this person who knows the legends of Yveltal.  While searching for this person, I meet an old man who said he was lonely ever since his wife passed away and asked if I would loan him a Pokemon.  I gave him Chu, my Pikachu, and he was very grateful. 

I find the man who knows the legends and he tells me two stories:

"About 800 years ago the Pokemon known as Yveltal spread its ominous wings, engulfing the lands of Kalos in darkness. At that moment, people and Pokemon throughout the land began to fall one by one. Yveltal let out a piercing cry and took to the sky, vanishing to an unknown location. Stories say that when it nears the end of its thousand-year life span, Yveltal absorbs the life force of the living things around it in order to charge its own energy."

As if that tail wasn't frightening enough, the second story he told me a second story about a way 3,000 years ago:

"Another tale suggests that 3,000 years ago, the Kalos region was engulfed in a terrible war. The story goes tht one Pokemon appeared and stole the life force of countless living beings.  Some people suspect the Pokemon that appeared was Yveltal, but there's no way to know. Supposedly, after Yveltal finished storing the energy it had absorbed, it transformed into a kind of cocoon, remaining in hiding deep in the mountains."

This Yveltal sounds more and more frightening yet intriguing. 

I leave the house and head for the gym to meet up with Serena for our battle.  We battled her Chesnaught against my Shock.  The two battled beautifully, but Chesnaught was to slow to keep up with Shock, who crawled under Chesnaughts armor and gave a huge Thunder.  Chesnaught fainted after that.  Serena wishes me luck on challenging the Gym and leaves to sight see.

I enter the Gym and it is a giant maze within a ball, created by psychic powers.  I make my way to the center and meet the Gym Leader Olympia and her Meowstic.  I challenge her to a battle her Meowstic versus Ptera. 

It was a long hard battle but Ptera and I won, but it was close.  Olympia gave me the Psychic Badge. 

She sends me back out of the gym with her psychic powers and Serena runs up to see if I had won and congratulates me for the victory.  She then says that she is going to have to start challenging me daily.  Then she challenged me to a rematch, but before we could start we got a message on our Holo Clips.  It was Lysandre...he says that he and Team Flare will use the ultimate weapon to destroy the planet so that only him and the members of Team Flare will remain and the world will be able to start on a blank slate.  WHAT! Lysandre is a member of Team Flare and they are going to destroy everything on the planet.  This can't be.  Serena and I decide to try and find the Team Flare hideout and first stop is Lumiose City where we first met Lysandre. 

Current Party:
  1. Nagase Lv. 52
  2. Shock Lv. 52
  3. Bruteroot Lv. 52
  4. Ptera Lv. 52
  5. Kuurth Lv. 52
  6. Blaziken Lv. 55

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